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筆電CPU 雙核處理器Intel Pentium B940 B950 B960 B970 B980 保固 ...

供應中 1,Intel® Pentium® 處理器B940 雙核心2執行緒, 2.00GHz , TDP35W 【SR07S】. 2,Intel® Pentium® 處理器B950 雙核心2執行緒, 2.10GHz , TDP35W 【SR97T】.

Intel Pentium 行動處理器B940 2.0GHz 2MB CPU,OEM

Intel Pentium 行動處理器B940 2.0GHz 2MB CPU,OEM · 未新增 · 產品詳細資訊 · Top Brand: Intel · 影片 · 客戶評論.

Intel Pentium B940 CPU - CPU

The B940 is a Socket G2 CPU, based on Sandy Bridge core. There are also 40 Intel Sandy Bridge parts, that work in the same socket. Below you will find brief ...

Intel Pentium B940 Mobile processor

Internally, Pentium B940 incorporates two CPU cores, with each core having dedicated 64 KB L1 cache and 256 KB L2 cache, and operating at 2 GHz. As all Sandy ...

Intel Pentium B940 @ 2.00GHz

Benchmarks for the Intel Pentium B940 can be found below. Release dates, price and performance comparisons are also listed when available. This is made using ...

Intel® Pentium® 處理器B940 (2M 快取記憶體

Intel® Pentium® 處理器B940 (2M 快取記憶體,2.00 GHz) 含規格、功能與技術的快速參考。

Intel® Pentium® 處理器B940

Intel® Pentium® 處理器B940 (2M 快取記憶體,2.00 GHz) - 下載支援資源,包括驅動程式、軟體、BIOS 與韌體更新。

Intel Pentium B940 Notebook Processor

The Intel Pentium B940 is a dual core processor for entry-level laptops. It is based on the Sandy Bridge architecture but many of the features ...

Intel Pentium B940 Specs

Pentium B940 has 2 MB of L3 cache and operates at 2000 MHz. Intel is building the Pentium B940 on a 32 nm production process using 504 million transistors. The ...


供應中1,Intel®Pentium®處理器B940雙核心2執行緒,2.00GHz,TDP35W【SR07S】.2,Intel®Pentium®處理器B950雙核心2執行緒,2.10GHz,TDP35W【SR97T】.,IntelPentium行動處理器B9402.0GHz2MBCPU,OEM·未新增·產品詳細資訊·TopBrand:Intel·影片·客戶評論.,TheB940isaSocketG2CPU,basedonSandyBridgecore.Therearealso40IntelSandyBridgeparts,thatworkinthesamesocket.Belowyouwillfindbrief ...,Internally,PentiumB940incorporatestwo...